The Civico Museo d’Arte Contemporanea

The Civico Museo d’Arte Contemporanea is recognized as one of the earliest acting art galleries in Italy. It was constructed in 1778 by Piermarini in the neighborhood of the cathedral Palazzo Reale . After the opening of the museum in 1984, it was visited by thousands of people every year and has not lost it popularity till the present moment. The collection of the Civico Museo d’Arte Contemporanea includes really valuable exhibits, including works by Matisse and Picasso. The local collectors contributed to the heritage of the museum. The Jucker private collection is considered as the most precious of all the donations, including masterpieces by Klee and Balla. I must admit that the historical building in which the gallery is located creates specific atmosphere, intensifying the impression produced by the exhibition . I got to know that the collection contains the originals of the masterpieces of Italian artists when I was working on masters thesis writing on Milan galleries. My primary motivation for visiting the exhibition was to see Picasso’s paintings with my own eyes. In reality, these masterpieces even exceeded my expectations and I spent about half an hour, observing this part of the exhibition. However, I must admit that the section devoted to contemporary art was not less interesting and I am going to write an essay paper on the innovative techniques which are implemented by contemporary artists, describing my impressions from the visit to the Civico Museo d’Arte Contemporanea.